KB366: What's new in Moxie 7.09


This article lists the new features and changes in Moxie version 7.09. It is intended for anyone planning to upgrade their installation of Moxie 7.08. All Moxie components, including Data Server, Player, Studio and services must be upgraded to 7.09 to ensure compatibility.

There are two released versions of Moxie 7.09; 7.09.8427.1 and 7.09.8453.1. We recommend installing or upgrading to 7.09.8453.1, as this version includes additional fixes and is the currently supported version. Other versions have been deprecated and are no longer available for download.


Moxie permissions now support Azure Active Directory (AAD) so that you can manage your Moxie user permissions from a cloud-based environment.

To configure your system to use AAD (instead of your previously configured permission system), run the Omnivex Moxie Data Server Config (MDSC) application on the Data Server computer and select Azure Active Directory as your new permission method. 

Note: Before attempting to use AAD as your authentication method, ensure that you have registered Moxie with AAD.


7.09.8453.1 introduces fixes to issues where:

  • the absence of a default Log Server prevented new Players from connecting
  • Data Server was not saving data entered into Local sheets on restart
  • multi-level data converters were not retrieving content in some cases


  • Number-type rules are being evaluated as strings, making values such as "3" greater than "10" (whereas "03" evaluates as less than "10")
  • Image URLs in layouts are being interpreted as video stream URLs and are not rendering in the Studio or Player
  • When syncing files into Moxie from an Omnivex Ink gallery, the schedule dates and times are converted to the local time of the computer on which the Sync Service is running (for example, a start time of 8 a.m. entered in Ink through a browser running on EST, but synced in by a Sync Service running on PST will be stored in Moxie as 5 a.m.)
  • When executing a long-running script on a Script Engine, a sudden or immediate shutdown of Script Engine may result in its script logs reporting the script task as still running.
  • On a multi-screen desktop, where the monitors use different DPI settings; if the Studio window is opened on the higher DPI monitor then moved to the lower DPI monitor, some of the Studio window may be cut off.
  • Video Syncing between Players can drift when using Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. We recommend removing the audio track from the video.
  • Running a manual setup on a computer where Moxie components have previously been upgraded using remote client upgrade creates a duplicate Omnivex Moxie entry in Programs and Features.
  • Sync Service stops when credentials to the file system location are incorrect, see KB 353.
  • When using the color picker on a second screen with a different DPI than the primary screen, the selection will be offset. The workaround is to verify the current color selection using the color box that appears to the right of the eyedropper cursor, while making your selection. You can also verify the RBG or HEX color values from the Color Chooser dialog box and change them as necessary.

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