Environmental Statement and Corporate Values

Omnivex Environment Statement

Environmental Statement

As a software developer and service provider, Omnivex has a low environmental impact relative to many manufacturers in other industries.  We believe that organizations are responsible for achieving sound environmental practices and to operate in a sustainable matter. Omnivex has the same approach to environmental sustainment as we do with our software – to continually improve.  


Corporate Values

To achieve our objectives, improve overall performance, and build a sustainable business we commit to use these values to guide our decisions and actions. 


We strive to engineer innovative products, introducing new concepts to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the total solution. Our creative methods of problem-solving lead to highly engineered solutions and one that competitors seek to emulate. 


We are dedicated to delivering superior value to our customers and partners through our innovative products and outstanding customer service. 


We employ the highest ethical standards, demonstrating honesty and fairness in every action that we take. We treat employees, customers, and stakeholders with the highest degree of loyalty, dignity, and respect. 


Commitment to the Environment

Although the various matters dealt with in this Code do not cover the full spectrum of employee activities, they are indicative of Omnivex’s commitment to the maintenance of high standards of conduct and are to be considered descriptive of the type of behaviour expected from employees in all circumstances.

Omnivex strives to seek continual improvement throughout our business operations to lessen our impact on the local and global environment by upholding the following sustainable practices:

  • Wholly comply with or exceed current environmental legislation and codes of practice. 
  • Minimize our waste and then reuse or recycle as much of it as possible. 
  • Employ power-saving equipment in our offices.
  • Strive to minimize printing internally, as well as minimize printed materials for customers and provide electronic alternatives.
  • Whenever possible, use electronic communication when communicating with customers, partners, vendors, and authorities. 
  • Strive to recycle and possibly reuse electronic equipment. 
  • Raise awareness, encourage participation, and train employees on environmental matters. 
  • Strive to reduce business travel and, where practical, provide remote support to our customers to minimize the effect to the environment of travelling to their site.