KB339: OmnivexEventLog.dll is flagged as a threat by your antivirus software


Your antivirus software flags OmnivexEventLog.dll as a threat.


This is a false positive. The file included with Moxie 7.03 R3 and earlier can be flagged as a potential threat because the DLL is unsigned.  (Moxie 7.04 and higher already includes the signed version.)


Replace the DLL file with a signed version:

KB308: Omnivex current products and supported Microsoft Windows operating systems


Omnivex products are designed to operate on a variety of Microsoft Windows operating systems. Not all Windows operating systems are appropriate for all products. Omnivex tests each new software update on multiple operating systems (English versions only) to ensure consistent performance and value to customers. Listed below is the most recent version of each Omnivex product and their supported operating systems. The information below is subject to change. This article is regularly updated.

SQLLink 4.04.4835 released

Version Update to address reported resource allocation problem

A problem was identified where memory requirements for the SQLLink Service would steadily increase over time. This issue has been addressed and no other changes have been made in this version.

September 30, 2013

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