Our Blog

Thoughts on transforming organizations with digital communications

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QR codes have been around for close to 30 years; however it is only in the last few years they have gained traction. Today their uses are numerous and important in our rapidly evolving post-pandemic world.

What is a QR code?

QR codes are a type of barcode that embeds information in a unique two-dimensional arrangement of squares. This information can easily be scanned with an optical scanner such as a phone.

QR code usage surges

A MobileIron poll in 2020 found 83% of respondents had scanned a QR code at least once. The COVID-19 pandemic caused QR code usage to explode. Businessess in many industries needed a quick, touchless way to share information. QR codes provided the solution. They are easy to generate and can quickly be scanned by a smart phone. This has eliminated the need to touch anything and made information instantly portable.

QR codes and digital signage

There are a variety of uses of QR codes in conjunction with digital signage. Popular ones include:

  • Wayfinding - Make directions portable
  • Digital menus - Paper menus are eliminated with a quick scan
  • Queue management - Provide a simple way to register people for and manage virtual queues
  • Supplementary information  - Access additional information not on the digital signage
  • Advertising and promotion - Share information on promotions or upcoming sales quickly


QR Code Infographic